

Author: wholenous (Constantinos Prokopiou)



Series: Buddha’s Metaphilosophy


Publisher: Esoterism Academy


Diligence: Naya Prokopiou


Year: 2023 / Edition 1


Language: English. Pages: 286


Book format: PDF


Copyright © Constantinos Prokopiou 2023. All Rights Reserved.


Cover page. 1




What is a Buddha?. 13

God and you. 15


Title. 21


The Higher Awareness 29

Interfaith Truth. 33

Global Consciousness. 37

Awareness of "Being". 40

Awareness and Matter 43

Transcendent Reality. 45

Objective Reality. 50

Liberated Awareness 53

The "Emergence" of Higher Awareness. 55

Transcendence of the ego. 58

True Self. 60

Cosmic Consciousness. 62

Objective Consciousness 64

Awareness and Logical Analysis. 67

Global Unity. 70

Beyond the subject 72

Pure Awareness. 74

Awareness and brain. 77

Spirit and matter 79

The New Individuality. 83


The Objective Religion. 91

The Essence of Religions. 93

Christianity. 97

The Religious Phenomenon. 100

The Ultimate Reality in Religions. 103

The essence of all religions. 106

Philosophy and Religion Today. 108

The Unified View of Reality. 110

The Essence of Religiosity. 112

Being and existence. 114

The True Tradition within religions 118


Brotherhood. 123

Knowledge. 125

The Kingdom of God. 126

The "New Religion ". 127

The "Eternal Religion ". 129

The "Gate of Reality ". 130

True Meditation. 132

The Evolution of Human Consciousness. 133


Orphism - The Three Dimensions of Orphic Theological Conception  141

Vedanta - The Eternal Truth of the Upanishads. 151

Samkya Yoga - Right Meditation and "Samyama". 155

Tantrism - The Tantric "Union" with the Absolute. 158

Buddhism - The Natural State of Existence. 162

Chan - Enlightenment is Absolute Freedom.. 166

Christianity - The Christian Tradition, the Pure Mind, and Union with God  169

Kabbalah - The Kabbalah, The Kabbalistic Work. 174

Sufism - The Sufi "Path". 181

Theosophy - The Theosophical Initiation. 186

Meditation - The Transcendent Essence of Meditation and its Transcendental Reality  193

Western esotericism.. 197

For The Theory of Everything. 216


This Profound Silence. 221

The one who searches. 226

Living in the Light 228

The Real Life. 231

The True Initiation. 233

The Moon in Water 237

The Illusion of the Ego. 238

You want to love the Lord your God. 240

The Road to Truth. 247

In the Virgin Space of Freedom.. 249

What is Meditation Really?. 251

The little me that wants to be GOD.. 253

Psychology of Consciousness. 255


Basic Hellenic-Latin-English Philosophical Terms. 263







The Higher Awareness

All the great founders of religions, but also great philosophers and other people in the field of metaphysics, experienced Reality as an Expansion of their consciousness (of simple human consciousness) to a Higher State, as an overcoming of the narrow limits of the ego to a Vast State of Consciousness which lies at the base of all consciousness as a sink in the Infinite Consciousness.

Examples: 1) The Buddha experienced Enlightenment as an extinguishing (nirvana) of the existential flux (of the skandas), as a State which he characterized as Asamskrita.

2) Sankara and other followers of Vedanta experienced Moksha as a transcendence of all the peripheral manifestations of the being, the intellect, beyond the inner states of the atman, as a realization of the Absolute Background, Brahman.

3) Panthazali and the followers of Samkya Yoga experienced Liberation (Kaivalya), as the cessation of all mind activity (citta), as the restraining of the mind from taking various forms (vrittis).

4) The Christian Neptics and other Christian mystics experienced Theosis (deification) as the final stage of purification of the mind until the mind becomes formless: then only the mind can perceive the Infinite Divine Being, Unite with God, Deify.

5) All the great Sufis in the field of Islam experienced the Ultimate Reality (Al-Haqq) as an erasure of the illusory personality, as an expansion of consciousness into the Infinite (Fana Fi'llah).

6) Plato and the Platonists experienced Reality as an elevation to the "universal being" (beyond mental processes) and beyond that to the "utterly being" (vision of the Agathon).

7) Plotinus who codified the Platonic theory and the Neo-Platonists experienced the Elevation as One as "simplification" (simplification, contraction into absolute simplicity of the universal mind), as "ecstasy" (exit from the "self").

All of them who were human like all humans (like all of us) conveyed the Experience in a simple and clear way (later commentators confused them). So they talked about the following:

1) They spoke of the Supreme Reality underlying all consciousness, as a Superset of consciousness, as our Real Essence.

2) They thus identified the relationship between Reality and given consciousness, what we perceive as self, as ego (a complex of perceptions, behaviors and experiences).

3) The following defined the way in which we can experience the Inner Reality, which is the transcendence of the peripheral manifestations, the actions of the ego. They described in detail the stages, from the lowest, the control of the body, to the highest, the control of the external mental activity, the control of the internal states of the mind... to Consummation.

In all traditions they say more or less the same. The Buddhist dhyana (samapatti), the astanga yoga of Panthazali, the Christian "nepsis" and the Sufi "amal" and the "forgotten" dialectic of Plato, all describe (of course within the context of a particular culture and with a particular terminology) the same way and point to Reality Itself.

Reality Is One, Not only because all the esoteric traditions say so but because it is the Basis of all human beings, all beings, One Objective Reality.

Of course, the followers of religions each represent the absolute truth on their own behalf. If we take a look at the statistics the whole planet is "religious". But show us a Buddhist who reached enlightenment, a Christian who reached deification, a Sufi who reached fana fi'llah. However, they are not in the official churches and organizations.

We can, if we want, to follow some esoteric tradition (not the official churches that gather only scholastics, credulous and fools), or we can make our own way. The Truth, having been conquered once by man (Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Sankara, Plato, Plotinus, Eckhart and others) can be conquered again and again, by every man. Truth is no one's property, it is everyone's possibility, right and obligation. We can create religious systems again and again (such as the Theosophical Teaching in the 19th and  20th centuries).

The basic question that arises and concerns us all, each one of us, is the following: Our very nature, which is based in Infinite Consciousness, creates an obligation for us to experience the Truth. What this means and what its consequences are we have to find out in practice. Can we do it? Can we experience our True Self? the infinite; the Absolute?

The "higher awareness" we realize is a direct, supramental, extra-intellectual perception of Reality.

What we are saying is completely simple and natural. We start from who we are, expand who we are, experience who we are in Depth. We are not talking about theories, nor about churches and purposes, nor about exploitation, whether ideological or economic, or about anything else.

Everyone has to find the Truth by himself, within himself. And if there is a need to discuss, let's discuss. But let's do it on a purely practical level, beyond theories, beyond personal confusions and within a decent climate.

So dear friends: Can we see metaphysics as a personal experience? Can we experience our True Self? The Absolute?



Interfaith Truth

Obviously... dear friends... One can know more (and have experience of what one knows...).. than one says... And one can simply speak to the extent of the understanding of those to whom one is addressing ....

It is necessary and proper to speak in terms that are understandable, in the context of a spiritual culture and a language...

Religions and teachings are "mental maps" that really lead to the Truth... As long as we don't confuse the true path with the "map"...

But when we refer to the teachings we should adequately explain what we say... bearing in mind that some may not have the knowledge of a teaching...

It is also good to compare different teachings... because that is how Truth is confirmed and people of one teaching or worldview understand people of another teaching or worldview...

We can thus arrive at an inter-religious, inter-philosophical, inter-teaching, "Interpretation of Reality", comprehensible both by the Christian, and by the Buddhist, and by the Vedantist, and by the Sufi, and by the follower of Kabbala, and from the follower of Ancient Hellenic Philosophy, and from the follower of modern esotericism...

The development of modern theology and modern philosophical thought... leads precisely to this end...

In all religions and teachings, they speak of a state of "enlightenment of man", of a "higher awareness"...

Christians call it pure mind (simple mind)... which can lead (gradually) to Union with God (in the physical world)...

Buddhists speak of "inner states of consciousness"... which can lead to Asamskrita, (with nirvana in the physical world)...

Vedantists refer to the inner states of the Atman... which can lead to the Existence of Brahman, in the physical world...

Samkya-Yoga, speaks of the "cosmic intellect" (Mahat)... which reflects in various degrees the Super-cosmic Purusha (Spirit)... and of the transcendence of the cosmic intellect... so as to reach Liberation (Kaivalya, in the natural world)...

The Sufi speak of transcending the inner mind that experiences Being in various degrees... so that we reach extinction in God, in the physical world...

The followers of Kabbalah speak of the true self of man (which is both Tiphereth of Yetzirah and Kether of Ashiya), the Gadlut state of consciousness, a higher awareness, realized in the physical world, and leading to the awareness of God, in the physical world... and where the inner journey to the higher worlds and the Infinite (Ein Sof) begins..

Platonism speaks of the awareness of the "universal being"... which can lead to the experience of the "perfect being", the Agathon...

All these references would be meaningless... if they did not lead to some very important conclusions...

1) All teachings speak of the same Reality...

2) All teachings claim that man can here, in the physical world, reach a "higher awareness"...

3) People of all teachings can get along because there is correspondence even in the terms they use to describe Reality... and there are even similarities in their description...

4) All teachings tell the same Truth, so they cannot lie or mislead, at the same time...

5) Everything the teachings say about realizing a "higher awareness" is verifiable...

6) While True Knowledge is Free and verifiable...some who want to manipulate humanity, for their own benefit, either question things long proven (even within universities...), to keep people ignorant... whether they want to commercialize metaphysical knowledge and sell it in courses...

On the way to "Ithaca", you will meet many monsters... don't be afraid friends... they draw strength from your fear... they are only soap bubbles, like the ones children play...

The "higher awareness", of which the teachings speak, although it brings us into contact with higher worlds, does not cut us off from everyday life and everyday obligations...

But this "higher awareness " also prepares us for a higher life...

Actually "higher awareness" transcends the limits of earthly existence and builds a more subtle existence that can survive in a higher world (Our other perspective is to return here, in the physical world)... There are people who already have a such an experience (in all ages there have been...)... and they have consciously moved to the upper world... which is certainly not the end...

But who should these people talk to? To me; To you, to the other?.. They just smile at our childishness and keep silent... waiting for time to mature.



Global Consciousness

There is a "higher awareness," a direct, supramental, extra-intellectual, perception of Reality... It is an expanded awareness, which transcends but includes the lower perceptual functions of the mind, but which are under control, regulated, and operate only to let the higher awareness perceive the lower levels of perception.

This higher awareness functions as an awareness center of Universal Being: It perceives Being (which transcends and includes the physical world). It is a perception of Unity of Reality (where subject-object have been transcended). It is a Universal Consciousness, a Cosmic Consciousness.

Higher awareness as it exists and functions beyond mentality, cannot be experienced by a subject, cannot be described by thought, cannot be perceived by physical means.

So, when the higher awareness has to be expressed in the limited intellect with speech, it uses speech conventionally: Only to give some indication of the higher state, only to indicate the experience of that state. It is necessarily delivered as a monologue and is material for personal reflection and application of what is said that can lead to Realization...

When speech is perceived by the mind, at its level and becomes the object of commentary and processing, it loses its essence, it becomes only empty words.

Since Reality, the awareness of Reality, the higher awareness, exists and operates beyond the mind, all thought, all that man has thought (and recorded), and all that can be thought, is all worthless, mental garbage.

Man must give up all external activity, mentality, in order to have awareness, true awareness of Reality... All other perceptions belong to the limited, the subjective, the imaginary...

True Meditation is the higher awareness that emerges when all external activities of the mind cease (or more properly, when they "settle" to let awareness become free, expand, function fully, and perceive Reality, Being).

True Meditation, higher awareness, cannot exist as long as there is meditator perception, effort, activity... all must be given up. Then the Light of Higher Awareness, the Light of Reality rises, then we pass from becoming, to Being, to the Eternal, to the Timeless, to the Infinite, to the Transcendent.

Higher awareness reveals a world in which everyone participates in one common consciousness, a world of silence of the mind, which transcends the world of human thought, chatter and nonsense...all of which is perceived as “noise”...

Higher awareness operates outside the time of becoming, of thought, of imagination, of memory... in an eternal now that flows continuously, without “changing”.

Higher awareness is a world of immortality. We experience Being and This Being Is forever, outside of time and becoming.

Higher awareness, as a center of awareness of the Universal, is a participation of the individual, in the Universal, is a new individuality, unrelated to the subject of thought... As the new individuality (the real self) "evolves", breaking all limiting factors, "merges" with the Universal... (And this is the Outer Aspect of the Infinite Divine... extending beyond...)...



Awareness of "Being"

Whether we want it, dear friends, or not, we are cast without our present will into Being. All of us, even the uneducated shepherd on Olympus, are aware of Being. We are aware that we exist, that we live and that we act in any environment...

All those who have wanted, for millennia now, to philosophize, have simply tried to enlighten this awareness of Being... This is a completely natural course (necessity) and there is no "must" anywhere...

If Plato established the "Theory of Being" (of "utterly being"), or if the Buddha spoke of Asamskrita (realized by nirvana), and others spoke otherwise of Reality, they simply tried to enlighten this awareness of Being, which exists within all men...

So we are not talking about theories, we are talking about how we, personally, can understand this Being... The awareness of Being, within each of us, is the gate, the way, and the completion, to the Full Perception of Being , not of personal, individual being, but of Being as Pure Being...

From here begins true philosophy, true religion, true life...

Being (as Pure, Objective Being) was not created by us, it is not a product of personal perception. We are thrown into Being from the beginning, We are, we exist, we perceive an objective fact (even if we can only perceive it through personal perspectives and cannot "interpret" it at present). We perceive an objective fact... unless we are creatures of our imagination, in which case we are non-existent...

Now: How do we perceive this objective primordial Being? Through some personal functions (ego, intellect, perception, etc.), which have their physical counterpart in our brain... When awareness is channeled and works through these personal mechanisms (which have their physical counterpart in our brain ), we are simply aware of the states of Being... Necessarily this leads to a personal perception of reality (and everyone lives in their own world)... This is the simple way, of the natural, simple, man. In this way, however, Being as Being is not enlightened, but some states of Being are simply experienced, in the present life...

Apparently the path taught by all the great sages of the planet was different... They spoke of an awareness that would be freed from all personal mechanisms that "distort" reality:

Whether this is possible is debatable.

Where drives this is also debated.

What exactly this means is under investigation.

Dear friends, all those who spoke of a higher awareness of Reality, spoke of an Awareness of Being (as Pure Being)... they did not speak of some state of Being... To understand it one must experience it...

Then, this awareness has no subjective elements, no distortions, that is why it is the basis of the objective perception of Reality.

Then, in this higher awareness, the perception of individuality is completely transformed.

Higher awareness relates to the Greater Being. This Greater Being, revealed here, is Objective and certainly transcends the limits of our awareness (which has its physical counterpart in our brain). The Objective Being does not depend on physical entities... And it is the External Aspect of What people call God...

In other words we are thus led to perceive the Underlying Reality behind the physical world... Here is the Principle of Transcendence...

Anyone can try it.



Awareness and Matter

Dear friends, things are very simple...

To the "unenlightened" awareness of the ordinary person, awareness and matter appear to be two different phenomena. But to argue that awareness is a brain function is arbitrary and silly (from a scientific point of view...). Not only because it cannot be proven scientifically but also because natural science in recent years has been led to the exact opposite conclusion...

And beyond all this there is another simple reason: in addition to the testimony of an awareness that is identified with brain, there are also testimonies of cognitions that realized a wider understanding of Reality...

What to the "unenlightened" awareness of an ordinary man seems mysterious and confusing to an "enlightened" awareness is simple... All serious esotericists who have realized a higher awareness perceive a Greater Reality that transcends and includes within itself the physical world. In the framework of this perception, awareness (spirit) and matter are not something different, they are the same, but of a different order.

Awareness is not substance, but activity, mental activity, mental energy... The same is true of what appears as matter, it is not substance but energy which, according to Einstein and other physicists, has a double aspect, appears as energy and matter... What is matter that our eyes see? Both in the macrocosm and the microcosm energy appears with the dual aspect energy-matter: The intense activity of energy appears as "solid" matter: This is what our eyes see...

What does that prove? That Reality is mental activity, even matter is another form of mental energy, mental energy that has "slowed down" and appears as the energy-matter twin... Reality is spiritual in form and not material...

All serious esotericists from Buddha to Sankara, and from Lao Tzu to Hui Neg, and from the Christian desert fathers, to Eckhart, and from Plato, to Plotinus, etc., etc., they were not stupid, but enlightened.

The awareness they realized was freed from the subjective, mental, mechanisms. They perceived the Greater Reality which included the physical world. Awareness was here (in relation to the human brain)... but also free, beyond the brain.. Participating in a Greater Reality, an Objective Reality... which people call God (not in the narrow western sense of the term but in the sense of a Greater Spiritual Reality...)... They were not the whole God, they participated in God, in the Objective Reality...

And from here begins True Life and the path to Complete Absorption in God... Here is only the beginning...

Liberated awareness, though connected to the brain, transcends the brain and participates in the Transcendent.

What exactly happens when we realize such an awareness, which is within human limits, one has to experience to understand... no one needs to be told. This does not negate the objectivity of the situation. It's just that when we try to explain to an awareness that works through its subjective mechanisms, we get it wrong, because that awareness tries to bring Reality into its own measure...


Transcendent Reality

Dear friends, the "higher awareness" realized by all (serious) followers of esotericism is completely different from the "common man's awareness"...

Higher, enlightened, awareness is direct, "extra-intellectual" apprehension of Reality.

Awareness freed (from personal distorting mechanisms) first perceives itself as part of a Greater Objective Reality: as a center of awareness of the Universal Objective... (not that it is identified with or absorbed into the All).

This Greater Perception includes, but transcends, the physical world.

Information from the physical world passes through the mental mechanisms unprocessed, (without reference to an ego, without mental analysis, without perceptual distortion): It is perceived from the physical world, simply, for what it is.

Such an awareness experiences only the now (and is not dispersed in the imagination of tomorrow and the memory of yesterday)...

The unenlightened awareness of the ordinary man works quite differently.

In principle awareness does not function as autonomous awareness, but only through the distorting personal mechanisms.

All information refers to the ego and is related to the ego. This is a complex process that requires time (even if minimal): This is how the first distortion manifests itself and everything becomes "subjective".

It manifests, in addition, not only the primary intellectual perception that subjectivizes, but also mental activity, thinking, imagination, memory, and continuous processing of information, to be encoded, categorized, etc...

A continuous selective intake of natural events is also manifested.

An unenlightened awareness tries to transfer all information to the ego and relate it to the ego and thus subjectivizes everything... Even the metaphysical experience of a higher awareness, it tries to refer to the ego, it subjectivizes it, and because it cannot "conceive" outside the subject, it believes that "no one can"... (But this is not what Aristotle's Logic says...)...

Dear friends, all (serious) followers of esotericism practiced some practices, precisely to overcome personal distortion mechanisms (ego, intellect, selective perception)... Examples:

The Christian hesychasts speak precisely of the control and overcoming of the three kinds of reasoning, the complex-emotional, the human, and the "angelic," (corresponding precisely to the three mechanisms we mentioned, selective perception, mental commentary, and obsession in the ego), to reach the liberated, pure mind: Only the pure mind can perceive the Greater Spiritual Reality, God... God Is A Living Reality In Which We "commune"... With the inner path in it the higher awareness we reach until the final Union with God...

Buddhists, in principle, perform the external dhyanas precisely to neutralize the processes, samjna, samskara, vijnana, (corresponding exactly to the three mechanisms we mentioned, selective perception, mental commentary, and ego-obsession), and to reach a higher awareness of a wider reality... With the inner samappatis they transcend the three states of higher awareness to reach the Asamskrita (Uncreated) State, realizing the final nirvana...

And in all other religions they practice similar practices and reach the same results...

The bottom line, dear friends, is that we are talking about "An Underlying Greater Objective Reality" that to be "revealed" to our own awareness our awareness must be freed from personal, distorting mechanisms...

What We Realize is "a Transcendental State"... and from here True Life begins...

All the great teachers, such as Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Plato, Plotinus, and others, showed the way...

Whoever wants follows...

A Note...

Awareness is what we all have: we realize that we exist, that we are here, that we live...

But this awareness in us works in a limited way, through an ego-center, mental commentary, selective perception, etc...

Our enlightenment, our liberation from these mechanisms, shifts our awareness to a center different from the ego (to a higher perception of individuality...)... which, because it is free, is connected to the Greater Universal Awareness...

This higher awareness because it is precisely a center of awareness (individuality) of the Universal, participates in Objective Reality (Revealed Here), as far as it can in principle... As awareness expands, also removing the internal limiting mechanisms of the new individuality us, so widens the awareness of the Universal, until our complete transformation, until complete deification....

In the present phase awareness is connected to the brain which is a phenomenon of life, which emerged with organization, from inorganic matter... which in the background is not the solid matter that we see with the eyes, but energy... which somewhere else has its source...

When awareness is freed from the personal mechanisms (which have a complete correspondence to brain functions), it participates in something else, outside the brain: It is also here (connected to the brain) and not here, as a center of awareness of the Universal, the Objective. .. (This is why I say that the "topology of God" is a pseudo-problem... since God also reveals himself in our own awareness, which is connected to the brain, and Transcends it...)...

Such awareness can survive separation from the body (death)...

And all cognitions survive within the Underlying Reality, participating in various degrees of awareness, from full awareness, to non-awareness... and this is the real meaning of metaphysical worlds, heaven, hell, etc... they are degrees of awareness... of God...

Finally, "how" and "why" Awareness, which is activity, energy, (a Transcendent Mind, corresponding to our own limited mind) is "transformed" into creation, nature and emerges again from nature back to its Self ... these are far from the present discussion... And Plato and Plotinus and Hegel and other philosophers have tried to talk about them... It remains for the rest of us to verify these "theories" or reject... however, we cannot ignore them...



Objective Reality

First of all, dear friends, all that I say, are not personal opinions... What I say is supported by all religions, and all religions agree on them (apart from variations in description and terminology...).. .

Awareness (any awareness) encloses within itself the possibility of its growth, its liberation: the possibility to change and transform: the possibility to see things differently... to experience Objective Reality...

The higher awareness realized by all (serious) followers of esotericism:

1) It completely transforms the perception of individuality.

2) It brings awareness into communication with the Underlying Greater Objective Reality.

3) It is (if realized) a permanent transformation, a state of life and action: We are not talking about some kind of trance in which man is cut off from physical reality and then returns to the state of ordinary man...

4) Awareness is transformed, expanded and includes both the Underlying Objective Reality and the physical world... Mental mechanisms and senses are not abolished: They work differently...

5) What is really happening is that the higher awareness perceives in a larger synthesis both the Underlying Reality and the physical world...

In the present phase awareness is liberated and simultaneously participates in the Greater Objective Reality and is present, through the brain, in the physical world: And, Transcends (due to realization) the brain and participates in the Greater Objective Reality... and operates within the world (through the brain), but in a way completely different from the ordinary person (due to its wider perception)... It constitutes a new individuality (not subjectivity) but within the framework of a Greater Reality, which includes the Underlying Objective Reality and the natural world.

It is a center of awareness of the Universal Objective, It communes with the All, it is not the All: There is a whole inner path to reach the All (we never said that higher awareness is the end... instead we always emphasized that it is the Beginning of True Spiritual Life):

But because with the higher awareness we participate in a Greater Objective Reality, in which others also participate (those who reach this state), individuality recedes for the sake of Objective Perception. Within this awareness is expressed the Objective, which is Living and not "dead nature", (it is the Living God): Are we talking about subjectivity at this level of awareness? Do you understand what I'm saying? We commune and participate in the Objective, the Objective God, the Living God: We are affected by It, we express It, we live It: Where is the subjectivity?

Dear friends, this Which we are talking about is not just an experience of a higher realization, a metaphysical experience, it is the next stage in the evolution of man...

Some thousands of years ago this began with the appearance of some extraordinary people, such as Buddha, Lao Tzu, Jesus, etc... The rise of humanity to this level is deep in the future...

If we start from simple energy-matter, we see how, from inorganic matter, Life emerged... Life, with its organization, reached through appropriate organs, such as the nervous system and the brain, the emergence of Awareness. Awareness is something other than the brain (even if we can't see it yet). The development of Awareness will sooner or later (but surely) lead to the attainment of a "higher awareness" than man, which will transcend matter and participate in the Transcendent.

Awareness in the distant future will be freed from matter (which is but a lower function of Awareness)...

Energy-matter, Life, Awareness, Universal, God, are but stages in an evolution in which we see only one part, we humans...