The Kingdom of God
REALITY IS AN INDIVISIBLE UNITY within which all subjective and objective situations are manifested. Thus, the ABSOLUTE REALITY is at the same time Something Spaceless, Pure Eternal, Infinite, without Beginning and End and at the same time It is the Background for every subjective and objective situation. While it stands apart from every other situation it simultaneously relates to and supports every other situation.
The Beings that Experience the ABSOLUTE REALITY in whatever objective state they are in (in whatever field that is, in whatever world they manifest) are in Contact with REALITY. They experience REALITY and not secondary manifestations and it is certain that by leaving the outer world they will merge with the ABSOLUTE.
So, all Beings, in all worlds, who Experience the ABSOLUTE REALITY, Experience the STABLE BACKGROUND of all situations, the ONE REALITY. This ONE REALITY that all Beings can Experience, in whatever world they outwardly manifest is THE KINGDOM OF GOD. THE KINGDOM OF GOD is therefore a Spiritual State that Beings can Experience, regardless of whether it manifests itself in the mental, energetic, or material field.
The Beings that Experience the ABSOLUTE REALITY, regardless of the external world in which they manifest, LIVE A COMMON EXPERIENCE and constitute a SACRED COMMUNITY. They live outside of time, outside of space, even if they manifest at the same time in some external world.
There are always Beings Experiencing ABSOLUTE REALITY, at all times, and at this moment of time in the material realm. The KINGDOM OF GOD was, is and always will be, here, now, beyond all worlds and within all worlds.
Entering the KINGDOM OF GOD is an Experience, an Experience, a Realization. One enters This State by Experiencing It. There is no other way to enter Here, neither by following any religion, nor adopting any creed, nor observing any formality, nor professing any position. THE KINGDOM OF GOD has nothing to do with secular religions and churches.
Whoever Experiences This ABSOLUTE STATE Speaks on Behalf of This State and The Sacred Community of Those Experiencing This State. Of course, no one has any exclusivity. GOD is not owned by anyone.
Whoever Speaks, Speaks from Inside and not from some personal perception. "We speak the TRUTH we know and we have no sin, and whoever has ears to hear, listens"...