Jesus of Our Heart
The True Knowledge
To Live in Reality means to perceive immediately, clearly, truly and completely, everything that happens. Logically, this means that our own (ontological) situation plays a primary role here, i.e "from where" we see and not "how" or "what" we see. In other words, to truly live, to have true knowledge, we ourselves must be in a "position" to see, to perceive correctly, to fully understand. To come to this state of True Seeing, of Real Perception, we need to just Let Natural Perception Work unimpeded by external activities, without interference. This State of Awakening, Inner Perception and Understanding, can be described as Direct, Clear, Natural, uninterfered, Vision. A State of Full Awareness where there is no thought processing or other interference. It is the real state of True Meditation (of Inner Tradition), Full Realization.
So, if we want to know, to know truly, what is happening, our Nature, the Depth, the Extent of Existence, to know what is What people call God, what is Existence, what is really man, if we want in other words to really live, in the real world and not in the worlds of thought or imagination, we need to see this way. But when you tell people to see in this way it seems terribly difficult for them because they have learned to operate through thought. To “step out” completely from all this human activity, perception and life, is like a step into the existential void. What happens when we stop thinking? What will happen to the ego? Is a state possible where there is no thought, ego, but still a perception of existence? What kind of existence? If we are not me then what do we perceive to be? In reality all these questions and anxieties are foolish thoughts of the ego. The truth is that when you "Take" this existential step you do not sink into existential chaos but "Emerge" into a New Perception of Existence, without ego. You just do it. You just switch to the other state. It is necessary here to trust, to believe, in your Nature, in the Truth, in God. This is the meaning and content of the Faith that Jesus was talking about. Believe and you will be able to move mountains.
The Real Jesus
Who Was Jesus Really? What was? What is Jesus? Who will answer? We can know the True Jesus only in the way we have discussed above. With an Inner Shift of Perception beyond thought and ego, Directly, Naturally, Quietly, Objectively and Integrally. Such a Vision of Reality (the Inner Eye) is characterized as Inner in relation to the outer approach of men through thought. Thinking is a human ability that all people have, to a greater or lesser extent. It is easy to think, to consider something as an object of thought, to define it, to talk about it, in words. But this approach is childish when we talk about important things such as True Nature, Human nature, God, Jesus, Religious experience, Truth. The Truth, Jesus, we can only truly know him internally, directly.
Jesus Himself, Was, Is, in such a Spiritual State that He has no ego, He has no "person". Ever since He walked the earth He has been Elevated to an Objective Spiritual State. Jesus is Divine Energy, Spirit, God (not a person). This is the Ascension of Jesus (the son of man, the Son of God) to the Father. So, we can know Jesus exactly as What He Was, as He Is, as an Objective State of the Soul (of the Soul that We Are Ourselves), as a Spiritual State, as Spiritual Energy, as Life. In this sense Jesus is the Way to Divinity. To Approach Jesus Rightly, Internally, Directly, means to Become One with Him, to Become Him, to Acquire "Christ's Mind", Christ Consciousness, to no longer live we (the old self) but for Him to Live in us. If Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles, with his action organized an external church, but with his "Epistles" he revealed the Infinite Depth of the Godhead, how man can become God (or more correctly, how he can understand, realize, that It has always been in the Bays of the Father, that true life is the Life of God, Within God).
The True Prayer
Practically speaking, beyond external cults and intellectual faith and knowledge and theology and all human vanities, men can only follow one path to Truth. This Way Within them, the Way of Jesus, for the Kingdom of Heaven is within us. We enter within ourselves with Recollection, that is, the rejection of all external activities. And Here, Within Us, We Meet Within Our Own Nature, Christ, the Inner Master, the Son of God, the Pre-Eternal Logos, who is the Image of the Invisible God, God. And Through the Logos and Ascension We Reach Father God. This is the Inner Way of Jesus. This He taught the people.
After all, what is Jesus? What did He Teach About God, About Man, About Himself? What Jesus Revealed is that Man (and Jesus Himself Is the Living Example) Has a Spiritual Nature, He is a Free Soul, which has no relation to external activities, external life, the external world. Our True Home, as Jesus Taught, Is in the Bays of the Father, outside of Creation, Within the Light Embracing "Creation" that lives and breathes in the Bays of the Father, in True Life, in Eternal Life.
The True Prayer of Jesus is the Prayer of Silence, of Silence of thoughts, of Perpetual Awakening (Nepsis, or wakefulness or watchfulness), of Vigilance, of Awakened Perception that Experiences Here, Now, everything that happens, that is, that Works Naturally, Immediately, without "efforts" (of the intellect, of the ego), or interference. In fact, it takes a lot of intensity and determination (because of our limitations and attachments) to Surrender to our Nature, to our Divine Nature, to God. It seems like a huge effort (to get rid of our delusions) when it is just the opposite, namely the rejection of all "effort". It is Absolute Spiritual Relaxation, which Leads us to the Inner Life, to True Existence. The True Jesus Prayer means the Transition from external activity to Internal Perception. This is even seen in our action in the body. From the outer brain (and thought and senses and activity in the outer world) We move to the “Inner”, to the “Heart of the Brain', to our “Heart”. And here we have the Experience of Christ, of the Three States of the Logos, of God. After Such a Mystical Experience We Are Realized by This Higher Spiritual Position and the Outer World. The Spirit Embraces the world and the world is "within" us, as an experience of our Consciousness.
So, if we want to find the True Jesus there is only one way, to Find Him as our True Nature, Within us, within our "Heart", within the "Heart of Existence". This is the Jesus of our "Heart". Jesus is nowhere else, not out there in the world or in the man-made temples, not in the theatrical mysteries of men, not in some imaginary heavens (that men "made" with their thinking). The Real Jesus Is Spiritual Experience, Is Life, Is Truth, Is Freedom. The Real Jesus Is Us, each of us (even if we don't know it). And as the True Jesus (who once "walked" the earth) taught us, this Jesus is One with the Father. We are One with the Father. Always. Forever. There Is Nothing Else, Only God.