The Way of God
The Wise Man, who Leans on God, is like the eternal light that never goes out... The foolish man who leans on his little self is like the shadow that mingles with the darkness of the night.
Ultimately, following God's Way, his Will, (otherwise the Way of Life), is the easiest way for man. It frees him from the responsibility of the choice but also from the consequences... On the contrary, the selfish man who seeks to realize his own will in the course of the world, is also burdened with the responsibility of his choices and the consequences of his mistakes.
God Is (to human perception) Bottomless Abyss, Desolation, Silence. A Mysterious Presence. And yet everything is based here. This is the True Light that Illuminates, and from Here proceed all lights and shadows.
The Illusion of creation precedes all perception and is thus (for perception) an objective fact. Within this Illusion, interpreting this Illusion, the beings with their perception, add their own imaginations, and so the darkness becomes denser.
In the world of human perception there are always many truths and many lies... But the Deeper you go, beyond thought, you discover that there is One Unique Truth, the Reality Upon which Everything is Based.
Often Silence is more eloquent than the most inspiring speech, and all the words in the world!
In Creation all phenomena bloom and wither like the flowers of the field… maybe (maybe) because they are only phenomena.