1. The Reality
GOD is the Infinite Self Within us, beyond space and time, in the Silence of limited existence.... in the silence of the mind, in the silence of desires, in the silence of the senses, in the silence of the world...
REALITY It is Limitless Consciousness, One Single Space, without distinctions, within, without... Within Whom even false states of consciousness (so long as they are recognized) function unimpeded... Full Perception, Full Activity, Full Freedom, outside of creation, within in creation... Eternity Is Here, Now… It flows without "changing"... and what "evolves" is only a "dream"...
ENLIGHTENMENT Is the Unobstructed Function of Consciousness, Where What Really Happens Is Revealed, Where What Really Happens is Experienced without Distortion, and Where We Respond to What Happens through this Deeper Contact with Reality, One with the Ancient Stream of Life, Life, Universal Existence, and not individual limited ego…
TRUTH, the FURTHER REALITY, GOD, is EXPERIENCE, Experiencing Another Reality, beyond what is immediately perceived. The Ultimate Reality Is the Absolute, undefined, unlimited, undescribed. It is the Experience of the Infinite, the Eternal, the Transcendent, in the Endless Silence of the mind... This teaches a TRUE RELIGION.
GOD Is Here, Now, All Embracing. God is the Depth of all existence. God Is Our True Nature. Some people realize it, experience it and make it their daily life, not all, not many, few, so many that you can count them. You?