Awareness of "Being"

Whether we want it, dear friends, or not, we are cast without our present will into Being. All of us, even the uneducated shepherd on Olympus, are aware of Being. We are aware that we exist, that we live and that we act in any environment...

All those who have wanted, for millennia now, to philosophize, have simply tried to enlighten this awareness of Being... This is a completely natural course (necessity) and there is no "must" anywhere...

If Plato established the "Theory of Being" (of "utterly being"), or if the Buddha spoke of Asamskrita (realized by nirvana), and others spoke otherwise of Reality, they simply tried to enlighten this awareness of Being, which exists within all men...

So, we are not talking about theories, we are talking about how we, personally, can understand this Being... The awareness of Being, within each of us, is the gate, the way, and the completion, to the Full Perception of Being, not of personal, individual being, but of Being as Pure Being...

From here begins true philosophy, true religion, true life...

Being (as Pure, Objective Being) was not created by us, it is not a product of personal perception. We are thrown into Being from the beginning, We are, we exist, we perceive an objective fact (even if we can only perceive it through personal perspectives and cannot "interpret" it at present). We perceive an objective fact... unless we are creatures of our imagination, in which case we are non-existent...

Now: How do we perceive this objective primordial Being? Through some personal functions (ego, intellect, perception, etc.), which have their physical counterpart in our brain... When awareness is channeled and works through these personal mechanisms (which have their physical counterpart in our brain), we are simply aware of the states of Being... Necessarily this leads to a personal perception of reality (and everyone lives in their own world)... This is the simple way, of the natural, simple, man. In this way, however, Being as Being is not enlightened, but some states of Being are simply experienced, in the present life...

Apparently, the path taught by all the great sages of the planet was different... They spoke of an awareness that would be freed from all personal mechanisms that "distort" reality:

Whether this is possible is debatable.

Where drives this is also debated.

What exactly this means is under investigation.

Dear friends, all those who spoke of a higher awareness of Reality, spoke of an Awareness of Being (as Pure Being)... they did not speak of some state of Being... To understand it one must experience it...

Then, this awareness has no subjective elements, no distortions, that is why it is the basis of the objective perception of Reality.

Then, in this higher awareness, the perception of individuality is completely transformed.

Higher awareness relates to the Greater Being. This Greater Being, revealed here, is Objective and certainly transcends the limits of our awareness (which has its physical counterpart in our brain). The Objective Being does not depend on physical entities... And it is the External Aspect of What people call God...

In other words, we are thus led to perceive the Underlying Reality behind the physical world... Here is the Principle of Transcendence...

Anyone can try it.