3. Experiencing the Absolute

How can man, every man, experience the Absolute? Is there a way, any practice? the process?

I would say that what I and everyone experiences already exists, inherent, innate, within our human nature, as a possibility... a possibility of functioning, evolution, development, call it what you want.

There is no mystery, there is nothing miraculous. Man can (he has the ability to do so if he wants to), overcome the level of thought and experience with his deepest being, life, the world... It is simply a Path that few follow, because the way that nurtures us and society educates us, gives us other (external) orientations, directs us to other goals... But not that someone cannot, if they decide to, do it.

It is not only the Old Masters, such as Lao Tzu and the Masters of the East, the Buddha, the Masters of the Upanishads, Orpheus and the Greek Sages, Jesus... but also modern Sages such as Krishnamurti and others alive... who speak of all these.

In fact, we are talking about another way of life… and that entails many things…