The Real World and the world of people

There is Another, Different Reality, from the reality that people perceive and experience. There is, a Community of People (who are Real People, Authentic Humans) who Perceive Reality completely differently than what humans perceive.


There is a True World, beyond the world of men. It is a World of Light, a World of Love, a World More Real than the real world that people experience, every day, on the planet.


It's A World Where Natural Events Are Called by Their Names. Real is Real. Right Is Right. Beauty Is Beauty, Life Is Life.


People do not Live in the Real World, they live in a fake world, a manufactured world (by their intelligence and pseudo-culture) according to the interests of a few...


People live in a prison made by their minds, society, circumstances.


People live in a fold, ideological-economic-political-social, which they want to call society and civilized world. Their world is a fold and their culture is a "garbage culture".


In the world of men Truth is not Truth (truth is whatever is in our interest). Law is fair when it supports our own interests. Beauty is imposed by society and by "companies". Everything is "transaction", and everything, souls, feelings, life, survival, everything is tradable.

Our World, the "Kingdom of Nature" as Lao Tzu used to say, the "Kingdom of Truth" as Siddhartha used to say, the "Kingdom of Heaven" as Jesus used to say, is more real than the world of men.

We perceive Natural Events, "what they are", "what happens" and call them by their names. We do not hide behind ideologies and words.


We worship the Living God, not the god of thought or institutionalized religions which is an "idol". We are One with God, with everything, with everyone, with the world – because All Is One.


We do not fortify ourselves in an ego, we do not declare war on others and the universe, for personal interests.


We live "without ego" and go along with everything, even the evil that dominates the world. We see it, we don't ignore it, we don't fight it, we just avoid it, going our own way.


We do not live in mystical worlds, absorbed in personal subjective experiences (which are all fantasy). We live in the Objective World.


We live with a Free Mind (from the prejudices burdened by its restrictive nature, society, circumstances).


We live with Free Senses.


We are One with the World, Nature, Sky, Sea, People, Life, Earth. We go with the Stream of Life.

Of course, dear brother (who are here right now, in this book and reading) you have every right to think that we live in a world of fantasy (that we may have made up out of inability to live and struggle in the real world)… and all your world of everyday life is the real world.




We had the courage to go "beyond thought", to abandon the ego... to Unite with the Universal, with All.


We have Eternal Values that We Live and Defend.


Truth, Freedom, Knowledge,


the Unity of All, the Equality of All,


the Brotherhood of Beings,


Love Without Limits,


the Humble Offering.


It takes strength, effort, to defend these. You have disappointments - it is the weary road - the road that leads to Life, to True Life.


In what is the world of men real? They built it with the thought that misleads, they made a prison culture... Guards and prisoners all in the same prison...


What is the real world of people? In selfishness? Injustice? In slavery? In the conflict? At war? In misery? No brother! Everything that is happening around us – and we allow it to happen – is all wrong.