The Way of Experience and the impasse of the intellect

From the beginning, from the emergence of consciousness in man, since man felt himself, and had experience of life, he tried to talk about everything he lived: About the Existential Environment, about himself, about the experiences of. This is how Language was created, which has an internal mental content and an external verbal expression. Mind and Language are two aspects of the same thing. Talking about one necessarily refers to the other.

In fact, both mental perception and verbal expression are human constructs. They aim at the real, but they are not an experience of the real. They remain on the outer level of description, of construction. Truth is above intellect and words. Descriptions can be accurate or inaccurate, complete or incomplete, real or imagined, etc., etc.

What Really Is, is Here, Always, Present, regardless of what we perceive or describe, etc.

The closer we get to Truth (through descriptions) the more we try to free ourselves from constructed (often petrified) perception-language and attempt to speak in terms of "experience", derived from direct contact with Reality. Thus, everywhere, all over the planet, and always, throughout history, people who approached the Truth tried to lead others to the Experiencing of the Truth, beyond the descriptions, in the life, in the action, here, now. There is a Universal Esoteric Tradition that arose by itself (and is not the construction of any particular people), a Language of Experience that all initiates understood. So, there is, in fact, a Unity in the Human Perception of the Real, beyond any external perceptions-verbal expressions.

Truth Is One, True Religion is One, True Philosophy is One: It is the Approach and Description of the Real. So, there is no Eastern, Western religion, nor Eastern, Western philosophy. Human effort is one and human knowledge is one. Even as "geographical" terms, the terms east, west, are limited, since the content, like experience and knowledge, is the same.

It is only intellectuals who fail to rise to the Experience of Truth and remain in descriptions. They even think that by mentally-linguistically analyzing something, some object, they clarify it, revealing its real content, while in reality all they clarify and arrange is their own perception of things.

What is the difference between the Way of Life, of Living the Truth, and the mental perception-verbal description of Reality? In the first case What Is, What Happens, Precedes and the perception and descriptions come simply as a storehouse of experience and a conclusion. In the second case, perception takes on a dominant role and it is this perception that will speak to us, explain to us what exists, what is happening. In other words, in the first case we have Life and inferential thought, while in the case of the intellect we have thought, revelation (through thought supposedly) of life, of the real. In the first case we live and describe. In the second case we think, we describe, but we do not live. In fact, this schizophrenic attitude leads to the separation of theory and practice. But we rarely apply, or apply poorly. One who is Just can speak of justice. Intellectuals talk about Justice to be applied but never do. Unfortunately, the world is ruled not by Wise and Authentic People but by intellectuals of ulterior motives, hypocrisy and fraud.

If someone wants to Approach the Truth, he must do it by Experiencing the Truth and not by staying in the descriptions of the Truth. The journey into perception-language is always a construction, something artificial. It never leads to Truth. Truth Is Alive. Breathes, Moves, Changes, Evolves and Completes. It runs ahead and always Precedes all fossilized descriptions of Reality.

The True Journey of Wisdom takes you outside, into True Life, into the things that exist, that you can touch. The journey of the intellect is a reverie in the realm of the imaginary.

Truth needs no words. It Just Happens. It is the imagination that in order to exist needs words to describe. So, Whoever Is Truly Wise abandons the intellect, burns the books or throws them away and Lives... And we, here, (someone will ask) why do we write? We simply use mental speech-language to transcend it. If we succeed in this, speech can be justified (only as a means of approaching the Truth, not as the Truth), otherwise our words are but air that travels far and is lost.