Objective Reality



CONSCIOUSNESS is experientially, empirically, "from things" (and therefore self-evidently) the Principle of Existence, Knowledge, Life (Action, Movement).

What is Consciousness? Who "asks"? Obviously Consciousness. Who can "know"? The Consciousness. Who "does" this? The Consciousness.

Consciousness, of its own, Spontaneously, from Inside, has Direct Knowledge (Direct View), of the Self, because this Knowledge concerns the "Way" that exists. This Knowledge is Immediate, Happening and Unadulterated. It is Absolute, Objective and True (Real) Knowledge. This Knowledge is not created, not produced, not "made". It is True Self-Knowledge.

Thus, Consciousness, having Direct Knowledge of Self, what does it "know"? The Only thing it Knows (Absolutely, Objectively, Truly) is that it "IS", that it "EXISTS" and that it "KNOWS" that it Exists and this Knowledge is already Life (Action, Movement). This is why we say that Consciousness is the Principle of Existence, of Knowledge, of Life.

Consciousness, having Self-awareness, simply knows that it "Is". There is no other Quality,  no other Trait, that automatically Emerges. There is no Space, Time, any other phenomenon. Thus, this "Knowledge" of the Self (Self-Knowledge) is Covered by the Mystery of Non-Attributes, by the Darkness of Non-Knowledge, the Incomprehensible, the Untouchable. Therefore the Only Ontology that can be Grounded Here is Affirmative Ontology, nothing. This is why we say that Consciousness has no "Ontology". It is a Mystery. Consciousness is the Only That Is, and there is no "knowledge" (beyond Existence, that It Is “Is”) of that which "Is" (because it is simply unnecessary, it does not need to exist).

Thus, True Ontology, "Discourse on Being", is impossible and does not exist, all that is said is the nonsense of men.




When Consciousness "Recognizes" Qualities, "Characteristics", in Consciousness, in Situations, in Everything That Happens we no longer speak of Direct Viewing of the Self (of Direct, Absolute, Objective, Real Knowledge) but of "Perception" of Consciousness, for Knowledge Process. This Knowledge does not have an ontological character, it is a process, a phenomenon. It belongs to Epistemology. The Term Consciousness has an Ontological Character (even if we are talking about an Affirmative Ontology) and only this term should be used with an ontological meaning and content. The Perception of Being (which Attributes Characteristics to Consciousness), as a Process of Knowledge, is something that is created, produced, "constructed". So, we shouldn't use a noun to refer to it. The most correct term is the nominative form of the verb that describes what is happening (intransitive), "TO BE CONSCIOUS" (to aware, to know).

“To Be Conscious” (the Perceptual Recognition of Consciousness), Logically, Begins from the Simple Reflection of Consciousness in Perception (from the Pure Image, Image, in Perception) and is thus the Attribute-less, without Characteristics. This is the Limit of Consciousness, the Limit of anything perceived. This is the First Perception of Being.

Within This White (or Dark) Background Various Perceptions of Being Can Be Formed. The Infinite Unity of Being, the Space of Being, the Subject and the Object, the Limitation of the Subject to Individuality, the Experience of Time and Life in objective worlds of Form. In other words, Consciousness Takes Many States and Creates Many Fields of Manifestation, and Levels of Existence and Life. But while all these seem to have an "ontological character" in reality they are only "epistemological phenomena". We are not talking about Ontology, we are talking about Epistemology, about perceptual phenomena.

All that Appears within the Boundary of the “To Be Conscious” is Perceptual Phenomena, Dependent Phenomena, Phenomena. Here the various Traditions "Place" God, the Personal God, the Worlds, Heavenly, Invisible World, World of Form, and all the Phenomenon of Creation.

We must clarify that when we talk about Perception we are talking about something different from the experience of man and what he thinks or imagines that Perception is. Perception is not simply a "Conception" of something (state or form, etc.). It is Energy that gives "substance" to what it apprehends, that "Creates" and "Sustains" and finally "Assimilates" it. This is how Worlds, situations and beings are "Created". Thus, Perceptual Energy is realized in Form (and material form). Human perception is simply the mental conception or internal representation of things apprehended by the senses. It's something completely different.