Emergence into the Light

To SEE, to Experience the TRUTH, to live in REALITY, is something very simple: JUST SEE... Can you just, see? What does it mean to BE CAREFUL? Paying attention to what is, what is happening, all that is happening?

To JUST SEE, without "effort", without retrieving memories, knowledge, experiences, to simply see what is happening, not your mental impressions ... Then you discover that all this is ONE, everything is alive, LIFE, the same phenomenon everywhere.

YOU SEE, JUST SEE… there is what is happening, there is no observer, observed, no separation, subject-object, ALL IS ONE.

You cannot EMERGE into the LIGHT, into Reality, into what is happening, into ONENESS where there is no separation, duality, distance from "things", if you don't stop all this mental chatter, who knows, who explains, who decides, who directs, running after her visions.

Just LET GO of what's going on. TRUTH is in HOW WE SEE, not in what we see, which are passing images, fleeting shadows as life goes on. LIFE IS MOVEMENT of existence, it is not the "fixed objects" of thought, imagination.